Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Green Smoothie - Day 1

Last night I made my first "green smoothie" consisting of four stalks of kale, two apples, some limeade, and ice. It looked like vomit and smelled like lawn clippings. It taste okay but had a sandy texture since there was so much fiber. It seemed healthy though, and I was hopping it would keep me feeling full... It sorta did.

About three hours later I found myself in the restroom cursing them what thought up green smoothies! It was powering trough me with the force of nutrients and the biting pain of fiber. I fully expected to see my actual stomach.

After some forty-five minutes or so I felt like I might as well just go to sleep since this was probably gonna get worse before it got better. It is now the morning (four hours after I got to sleep again) and I am committed to eating another one of these gut busting yard waste soups. The up shot is I didn't have to buy anything but the "edibles" since my lovely wife has an awesome mixer.

As I choke down another slurry of green slop I repeat to myself a often missed phrase from an Pink's music video "Stupid Girls"; "[vomit sound] I wanna be skinny" (http://youtu.be/BR4yQFZK9YM?t=2m12s)

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